60+ Thought-Provoking Energy Conservation Quotes

Last Updated on February 4, 2021 by Scott M. Thomas

The amount of wealth and energy on earth has decreased. Not that everything is unlimited. Resources have had limitations in the past, and will continue to do so in the future. In this situation, we all have to focus on saving energy. Many famous people and leaders have expressed their views on this energy conservation. We have highlighted some important parts of them here.

The question is: What is energy conservation?

Energy conservation means the decision of using less energy or avoiding unnecessary uses.  

Below these energy conservation quotes will help you understand this matter more accurately. Or you can use these quotes as energy saving slogans or posters. Thanks! 

“Conservation of energy also protects our environment.” – Lamar S. Smith

“Nature provides a free lunch, but only if we control our appetites.” – William Ruckelshaus

quotes about energy and motivation

“The law of conservation of energy tells us we can’t get something for nothing, but we refuse to believe it.” – Isaac Asimov

“We must encourage energy conservation and sustainable development. Young people are the ones who are most environmentally conscious in Ireland, so that to some extent they are educating their parents. They are tackling issues of waste disposal and so on. The schools help, because they put a lot of stress on environmental awareness.” – Mary Robinson

“Life should be built on the conservation of energy.” – Herbert M. Shelton

“Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land.” – Aldo Leopold

“We simply must balance our demand for energy with our rapidly shrinking resources. By acting now we can control our future instead of letting the future control us.” – Jimmy Carter

“Conservation of energy also protects our environment.” – Lamar S. Smith

“Life should be built on the conservation of energy.” – Herbert M. Shelton

“Because we are now running out of gas and oil, we must prepare quickly for a third change, to strict conservation and to the use of … permanent renewable energy sources, like solar power.” – Jimmy Carter

“Conservation of energy. Never stand up when you can sit down, and never sit down when you can lie down.” – Paul Johnson

“The use of solar energy has not been opened up because the oil industry does not own the sun.” – Ralph Nader

energy conservation quotes images

“It takes many years to become proficient in energy conservation. But it is something that happens. You get continually stronger. You see your attention field is far different than it ever was before.” – Frederick Lenz

“We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us… We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.” – Aldo Leopold

“The law of the Conservation of Energy is already known — viz, that the sum of all the energies of the universe, actual and potential, is unchangeable.” – William John Macquorn Rankine

“Strict conservation of energy in the elementary process had thus been confirmed also by a negative experiment.” – Walther Bothe

“Conservation (the conservation law) means this … that there is a number, which you can calculate, at one moment-and as nature undergoes its multitude of changes, this number doesn’t change. That is, if you calculate this quantity, it’ll be the same as it was before. An example is the conservation of energy: there’s a quantity that you can calculate according to a certain rule, and it comes out the same answer after, no matter what happens, happens.” – Richard P. Feynman

“The most effective solution is to vote! Vote the climate-change-deniers out of office. Then, for John Q. Public, it’s all about energy conservation: use less, because most of what we’re consuming is from fossilized carbon!” – Wesley K. Wark

“We’d find more energy in the attics of American homes (through energy conservation measures) than in all the oil buried in Alaska.” – Amory Lovins

“Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans.” – Jacques Yves Cousteau

“It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save… It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment.” – Ansel Adams

“The study of Zen is the study of energy, power, knowledge and balance. It is the science of energy conservation and control. We use energy to aid others, to see beauty, to discover love where we saw no love at all.” – Frederick Lenz

“There’s so much pollution in the air now that if it weren’t for our lungs there’d be no place to put it all.” – Robert Orben

save your energy quotes

“The use of solar energy has not been opened up because the oil industry does not own the sun.” – Ralph Nader

“There is no energy crisis, only a crisis of ignorance.” – R. Buckminster Fuller

“Conservation may be a sign of personal virtue, but it is not a sufficient basis for a sound, comprehensive energy policy.” – Dick Cheney

“In addition to the clean coal provisions, the energy conference agreement contains provisions instrumental in helping increase conservation and lowering consumption.” – Jerry Costello

“Every act of energy conservation… is more than just common sense: I tell you it is an act of patriotism.” – Jimmy Carter

“The growth that we want is one that brings real benefits to the people, raises quality and efficiency of development, and contributes to energy conservation and environmental protection.” – Li Keqiang

“What we should be doing [in the US] is accelerating every year our efforts to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, have a cleaner energy future, and have much more energy conservation. And this won’t hurt anybody. This will create a new economy for America, if we’ve got the discipline to do it.” – William J. Clinton

“I have no doubt that we will be successful in harnessing the sun’s energy… If sunbeams were weapons of war, we would have had solar energy centuries ago.” – George Porter

Further read – 44 Best Night Photography Quotes And Sayings

“I don’t need any more press. I get enough when I work, but environmental causes is one place where you can get me to open my mouth. And put my foot in it if necessary. I think the only thing I do that gives me any bragging rights in terms of energy conservation is sailing. Just using wind power.” – Morgan Freeman

“Extolling the virtues of conservation of energy, Churchill advised, Never stand when you can sit, and never sit when you can lie down.” – Winston S. Churchill

save energy slogans, posters

“If I were emperor of the world, I would put the pedal to the floor on energy efficiency and conservation for the next decade.” – Steven Chu

“There is a conservation of matter and of energy, there may be a conservation of life; or if not of life, of something which transcends life.” – Oliver Lodge

“Work sustains us as bodies and it consumes a great deal of energy. The conservation of energy is the component theme of Buddhist practice and yoga. That is why people live in monasteries.” – Frederick Lenz

“Because we are now running out of gas and oil, we must prepare quickly for a third change, to strict conservation and to the use of … permanent renewable energy sources, like solar power.” – Jimmy Carter

“Energy conservation is the foundation of energy independence.” – Tom Allen

“Every act of energy conservation… is more than just common sense: I tell you it is an act of patriotism.” – Jimmy Carter

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“I feel that my role as a former president is probably superior to that of other presidents. Primarily because of the activism and the injection of working at the Carter Center, and in international affairs, and to some degree, domestic affairs, on energy conservation, on environment, and things of that kind.” – Jimmy Carter

“Leibniz mapped the principles concerning the conservation of energy, but nobody has yet scientifically diagrammed the conservation of emotion – have they? How is this subsumed pain vented? Is it released in my art? I hope so, but I also suspect that it’s emitted in my sleep.” – Keith Murray

“Revolution is everywhere, in everything. It is infinite. There is no final revolution, no final number. The social revolution is only one of an infinite number of numbers: the law of revolution is not a social law, but an immeasurably greater one. It is a cosmic, universal law – like the laws of the conservation of energy and of the dissipation of energy (entropy).” – Yevgeny Zamyatin

“We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us.” – Aldo Leopold

renewable energy quotes

“Saving petrol is saving India’s money. This is a sense of patriotism. The country can be energy-independent by energy conservation. I appeal to the other ministers also to do this.” – Veerappa Moily

“I have no problem with a war for oil-if we accompany it with a real program for energy conservation. But when we tell the world we couldn’t care less about climate change, that we feel entitled to drive whatever big cars we feel like, that we feel entitled to consume however much oil we like, the message we send is that a war for oil in the gulf is not a war to protect the world’s right to economic survival-but our right to indulge. Now that will be seen as immoral.” – Thomas Friedman

“And I’m asking you for your good and for your nation’s security to take no unnecessary trips, to use carpools or public transportation whenever you can, to park your car one extra day per week, to obey the speed limit, and to set your thermostats to save fuel. Every act of energy conservation like this is more than just common sense-I tell you it is an act of patriotism.” – Jimmy Carter

“Energy conservation is the foundation of energy independence.” – Thomas H. Allen

“Biofuels are the future of energy in this nation and around the world.” – Rod Blagojevich

“One of the bedrock principles of physics is the conservation of energy. In this universe, energy can be neither created nor destroyed.” – Edward M. Lerner

“I don’t know how to do anything else other than be an actor. If I wasn’t in this, I would be in alternative energy and conservation.” – Ian Somerhalder

“We must commit ourselves to an ‘all of the above’ energy approach, with a major focus on increasing domestic production and expanding alternatives fuels, while increasing efficiency and conservation standards.” – Peter Roskam

“By encouraging conservation, increasing investments in clean, renewable sources of energy, and promoting increased domestic production of oil and gas, we can build a more secure future for our country.” – Ron Lewis

“Mostly, I spend my time being a mother to my two children, working in my organic garden, raising masses of sweet peas, being passionately involved in conservation, recycling and solar energy.” – Blythe Danner

quotes about energy consumption

“Well, there’s no doubt about the fact that, that higher energy prices lead to greater conservation, greater energy efficiency, and they also, of course, play a useful role on the supply side.” – John W. Snow

“I came here to help make America more competitive and prosperous by developing an energy policy that increases conservation, promotes cleaner technologies, encourages development of renewables and enhances domestic production of gas and oil.” – Greg Walden

“We must have a relentless commitment to producing a meaningful, comprehensive energy package aimed at conservation, alleviating the burden of energy prices on consumers, decreasing our country’s dependency on foreign oil, and increasing electricity grid reliability.” – Paul Gillmor

“I’m doing my part, building plants at a record rate, having historic conservation levels. The only people not doing their part is the federal government that is siding with the energy companies against the interests of the people of California.” – Gray Davis

“Nature abhors a hero. For one thing, he violates the law of conservation of energy. For another, how can it be the survival of the fittest when the fittest keeps putting himself in situations where he is most likely to be creamed?” – Solomon Short

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