25 + Amazing Girl Scout Quotes And Sayings For Girls

Last Updated on November 30, 2020 by Scott M. Thomas

Girls scout is an organization of girls that promises outdoor activities, helping poor people or service to others. It’s an honor to be a member of the girl’s scout. This organization prepares girls for leadership, outdoor activities, compassion, and courage. The members of this organization are extraordinary and have a great vision about life. They are self-reliant and braver than normal girls.

There are many famous girls who had joined the girl scout before. They told about girl scout and give inspiration to girls for joining girl scout. Here you’ll find some of them. In this writing, we have covered the best girl scout quotes for quote lovers. Hope you’ll enjoy it. 

“I was not an attractive child. When I didn’t use my Girl Scouts uniform as a uniform, I used it as a tent.” – Joan Rivers

“We all have a place at the campfire. It was the Girl Scouts who first taught me that.” – Gloria Steinem

inspirational girl scout quotes

“My purpose… to go on with my heart and soul, devoting all my energies to Girl Scouts, and heart and hand with them, we will make our lives and the lives of the future girls happy, healthy and holy.” – Juliette Gordon Low

“The Girl Scouts is an organization that constantly gives you new goals to achieve and that’s what life is all about.” – Maria Bartiromo

“A Girl Scout is a friend to all, and a sister to every other Girl Scout….” – Juliette Gordon Low

“We like to say we hope to be like the Girl Scouts of technology, having many different chapters in many different states as well as many different countries.” – Kimberly Bryant

“Girl Scouts helps girls make decisions that are right for them and offer support.” – Frances Hesselbein

“In 1976, I was invited to interview for the CEO position of the Girl Scouts of the U.S.A.” – Frances Hesselbein

“I never had any question about the direction we were going in at the Girl Scouts. We shared our mission and research with all levels of leaders from the very beginning – a concept I created, using cups and saucers, called ‘circular management.’ Everyone was on a team; there were no superiors or subordinates. There was respect for all people.” – Frances Hesselbein

“Nothing sells tombstones like a Girl Scout in uniform.” – Jacob M. Appel

“Girl Scouting and Girl Guiding can be the magic thread that links the youth of the world together.” – Juliette Gordon Low

juliette gordon low quotes

“I wrote ‘Fight Song’ as this declaration to believe in myself, and that is similar to what you are taught to believe in Girl Scouts. Building confidence. Building character. And above all else, being there for each other as a community.” – Rachel Platten

“What helped was that my mother, even though we didn’t have a lot of money… allowed me to take part in the Girl Scouts.” – Loni Love

“Regarding Girl Scout Camp survival skills: “For instance, if I see a snake, I should stand still or walk backwards slowly, never run. I am one hundred percent sure I will not do that. But now, while running as fast as I can, I will be thinking, I shouldn’t be running.” – Firoozeh Dumas

“I love traveling around and talking to women in groups like the Girl Scouts, and being able to work with them is such an honor. For me, it’s always about working really hard and being able to help other people, which is what I’ve done with both of my books.” – Katherine Schwarzenegger

“I’ve been so impressed with the kinds of thoughtful questions that I’ve gotten from young people, from Girl Scouts, from teenagers.” – Katie Hill

girl scout sayings

“As a little girl in Arizona, none of the women in my family had a cultural connection with Girl Scouts, but the opportunity resonated with my mother as a platform that would allow me to excel in school.” – Anna Maria Chavez

“Being in the Girl Scouts took me out of the project’s environment and showed me different things.” – Loni Love

“I am struck by how many leading women… today started as Girl Scouts.  It is an organization that obviously develops strong women leaders.” – Christine Todd Whitman

“Girl Scouts is such an iconic organization that it’s easy to overlook how daring an idea it was for founder Juliette Gordon Low to gather those first 18 girls in that troop in Savannah, Georgia. It was 1912, after all, and women wouldn’t earn the right to vote for another eight years.” – Anna Maria Chavez

“Girl Scouts is a girl-serving organization, so our members are girls.” – Anna Maria Chavez

famous girl scout quotes

“Sometimes when I speak to groups or I’m interviewed by a journalist, I ask them to imagine their communities without Girl Scouts – to imagine the thousands of food drives and clothing and toy collections that would never take place if not for Girl Scouts.” – Anna Maria Chavez

“At Girl Scouts, we are committed to raising awareness about the terrible effects of cyberbullying, and to teaching girls how to recognize the signs of bullying of any sort and extricate themselves or another from a bad situation before it spirals out of control and ends in tragedy.” – Anna Maria Chavez

“Many people don’t know, but American Girl Scouts get to travel the world, and that’s a very good thing, as the more we can expose our young people to other cultures, the better off we’ll be in this increasingly globalized environment.” – Anna Maria Chavez

“Girl Scouts taught me to succeed [cookie selling] and to fail [knot tying] and to learn and benefit from both.” – Carol Bellamy

girl scout quotes images

“Around 7 years old, we girls took dancing lessons, joined the Brownies, the Girl Scouts, the 4H Club.” – Ruth Buzzi

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